ThinkPad x270


So, until recently I’ve been using a Lenovo Ideapad 110s as my portable laptop. I have a larger Thinkpad, courtesy of my uni, that is more powerful, but at 14 inches it’s just way too bulky for me as a daily laptop.

The thing with the 110s is that it’s extremely underpowered. I still like the form factor a lot, and it has survived a few years without big issues. I upgraded the hard drive with an M2 SSD (no NVME support), but the RAM is soldered in place, and it’s just 2GB. Basically, if I want to open a few programs at the same time, it’s going to freeze or crash.

So, looking for options, and trying to keep it at 11/12 inches of screen, the options are not that many, especially for someone that looks for frugal options (no need for a heavy GPU on my tiny laptop). I found a few devices on Aliexpress, and a couple options in the education lines of some brands (mostly Chromebooks, a no-go for me).

Sooooooo, finally I decided to try my luck with a second hand ThinkPad. These devices are famous for being generally repairable, sturdy, and long lasting. And, although the older models where way too bulky for me, and the more modern ones too fragile and hard to upgrade, I found an option perfectly in the middle: meet the ThinkPad X270.

This beautiful beast is equiped, in the second hand configuration that I found online, with:

All in all, a huge upgrade from my previous machine. Not too expensive (130€ with shipping, but can be found cheaper), and my unit is basically in mint condition (minus the missing battery, but that’s just 30€ and a bit of shipping time to fix). The size is perfect for me, the power is more than enough for many years.

Aaaand I can mess with it. Expect soon a small tutorial on how I changed the flipping display. I’m still amazed by how easy that was.


Software, in my case, is the key part. Yes, this laptop is perfectly capable of running whatever I want to throw at it. But if my previous trashmachine (with love) was still kicking, it’s because I love making things light and frugal.

And for this one, I’m repeating experience with my distro of choice: Endeavour OS. It’s basically a glorified Arch linux installer, but thanks to that the system is up and running fast with most commodities. Rigth now I’m simply don’t have the time / energy to mess up with an Arch installation from scratch, and on laptops specially there are too many goodies that I would miss that way. With either budgie or XFCE on Endeavour, I get all of the arch software and sane setup, without having to decide all the details. Simply super!

Obviously, this gets paired with a bit of software to make my life easier:

Why I wrote all of this

Honestly, it’s half a self note to my future, and half an statement. I’m proud of tinkering with my stuff, of knowing my tools, of making my choices. And I may have spent a slightly excessive amount of time doing that… But I enjoy every second on this computer, and I think that’s simply nice.

Marge Simpson holding a potato while saying "I just think they're neat"