Hi! I’m Iris!

Nice to meet you!!!

I’m from Pamplona, a small city in the north of Spain, in the region of Navarre. Well, if you want to get a bit political, I would actually say that I’m from Iruña, a small city in Nafarroa, one of the regions that compose the Basque Country or Euskal Herria. I’ve never been too political with all of this, but the last two years I have been learning our language, Euskara, and have started to appreciate why people say that we should be an independent country. Our culture is really weird and really cool.

Still, for the shake of getting to more people, most of this blog will probably be in English, with a couple posts in Spanish. From time to time maybe something in Esperanto or Euskara, but those two are still a work in progress.

I have a lot of weird interests, but not so many “hobbies” to be honest. I like to get lost online and learn about whatever, but I tend to keep it at learning and not actually engage in the practical aspect of hobbies. I really enjoy thinking about

From there, my brain branches into a million silly things and topics, and I like to know a bit of everything.

I’m also trans/detrans (any pronouns, don’t worry), bisexual and polyamorous, so anything queer related tends to come up often. But to be honest, I have some unpopular opinions and don’t quite fit with a lot of the LGBT+ community. I guess I’ll end up writting more about this, but I don’t want to make it one of the main topics of this place.

Enjoy your stay, and thank you for your visit!

~ Iris ~