
What is Beeminder?

Beeminder is a goal-tracking application with a few little extras:

My experience with it

In theory, the $5 penalty is supposed to motivate you to work harder to avoid losing money. In my case, it works a bit differently: I would easily pay $5 to skip many of the activities I’ve set up in Beeminder - activities that, in the moment, I often don’t feel like doing.

However, what Beeminder actually creates for me is a sense of seriousness. My self-commitment isn’t about paying $5 for failing; it’s about not failing at all. I don’t consider failure a real possibility, and Beeminder solidifies that commitment: I know I’ll have to record my progress, I’ll see the graph rise, and when I create a new goal, I know that graph will always continue upward. In my daily life, my mindset shifts from weighing how much I want to do something versus how much I want to skip it, to simply accepting that I will do it and figuring out when during the day I’ll complete it.

Essentially, it’s a way for my long-term self to take control and force my short-term self to take action. And so far, it’s working. My main goals to date are:

The key for me is maintaining the feeling that meeting my goals is inevitable. I only set goals that I know I can achieve and that are within my control. For example, I haven’t tried to set goals based on work output, but rather on time spent working. The amount I accomplish may vary each day, but at least I’ll have made an effort.

So far, after about 4 months of using it, Beeminder has transformed my life and doesn’t seem to be losing its effectiveness over time. It helps me prove to myself that I can actually make and keep commitments, and it has restored my confidence in my ability to change and grow. At this point, I even feel that the desire to improve every day has become part of my identity.

Could it work for you?

I don’t know. Maybe? You need a very specific mindset:

So if you’re considering it, I recommend giving it a try.

It just 5 bucks, and only if you fail. And if you really have decided not to fail… Nothing to lose, right?